9 Beauty Products That Do the Most and Cost Less Than $150 - Fashion Daily Tips

9 Beauty Products That Do the Most and Cost Less Than $150

I pride myself on my morning routine. I voluntarily get up at 5 a.m. every morning not just because I love exercising before work but also because I like having quality “me” time before the rest of the world is up. It sets the tone for my day and improves my health and overall well-being. So naturally, you would think that someone who invests this much in their mornings would do the same in the evenings, right? Sadly, that’s just not the case for me. This time of year is especially hard. Work is hectic. There are lots of holiday events and friends and family to see. My days are long, and my sleep feels short. It’s nearly impossible to turn my brain off and unwind when I’m supposed to. That’s initially what drew me to Neom, the UK-based aromatherapy brand that just made its U.S. debut.

The founder, Nicola Elliott, launched the line more than 15 years ago after leaving a grueling job at a magazine that left her feeling burnt out. She studied aromatherapy and learned that natural essential oils blended in purposeful ways could help ease some of the symptoms she had from being overworked. She launched with a signature fragrance, Scent to Sleep™, and the rest is history. Now, she has a full range of aromatherapeutic bath and body products, skincare, candles, essential-oil blends, diffusers, and pods. Everything is vegetarian, cruelty-free, and uses 100% natural fragrances. And it’s all designed to support your well-being, including the pricing, which falls under $150 per product, so you won’t lose any sleep over the cost. What are the two products at the top of my list? The Perfect Night’s Sleep Mist ($22) is up there. I love the idea of starting my evening routine by spritzing my room and bedding with a relaxing scent. And obviously, the Perfect Night’s Sleep Overnight Facial Cream ($48) is calling my name. (I’m a beauty director. What do you expect?) It’s formulated with ceramides, hyaluronic acid, cica, mineral magnesium, and natural fragrances that will not only plump my skin but also calm me down before bed.

*Well-Being Pod prices vary based on size.

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