I'll Never Stop Adding More Sneakers to My Collection—These 16 Are Up Next
When I shop for myself (which is often), I always end up browsing the sneaker section. My primary form of transportation is a walking-and-train combination, which calls for comfortable shoes. If I’m going to be walking anywhere, I want to do it in style, and for this very reason, sneakers are a wardrobe staple that I will never stop refreshing. Constantly buying shoes is an expensive habit that I just can’t break, so I’m turning to Rack Room Shoes for under-$100 footwear. Stocked with some of my go-to sneaker brands (Nike, Adidas, New Balance, and more), Rack Room Shoes is a one-stop shop for all of the styles your shoe rack is missing. I have a few pairs sitting in my cart right now, so if you’re looking for a fresh pair of kicks, just keep scrolling.