How to Get Rid of Dark Circles with Home Remedies - Fashion Daily Tips

How to Get Rid of Dark Circles with Home Remedies

Dark circles under the eyes can make you look tired and sickly, even if you aren’t actually sick! These circles can be caused by genetics, lack of sleep, allergies, or other factors, but fortunately, there are a number of home remedies that are easy to use and quite effective at getting rid of dark circles. Here are some tips on how to get rid of dark circles with home remedies.

Olive Oil Treatment

4 olive oil benefits for your face

Olive oil is a natural beauty trick that can help you get rid of dark circles. Simply apply a small amount of olive oil to the affected area and massage it in for a few minutes. Rinse it off with warm water and repeat this process daily until you see results. You can also add a few drops of olive oil to your regular moisturizer to help speed up the process.
Another home remedy for dark circles is cucumber. Simply slice a fresh cucumber and lay it on your eyes while you relax. Leave it on until they become warm then gently rinse them off using cool water. This can be repeated several times per day, but make sure not to leave them on for more than 20 minutes at a time. If you don’t have any cucumbers around, simply soaking a cloth in cool water and squeezing out any excess liquid will have the same effect as applying them directly onto your skin.

Vitamin E Eye Massage

Vitamin E for Dark Circles: Benefits, Effectiveness, Ways to Use It

Lie down and place two drops of vitamin E oil on your fingertips. Gently massage the oil into the skin around your eyes using your ring finger. Be careful not to pull or tug at the delicate skin. Rinse off any excess oil with warm water and pat dry. Do this beauty trick once a day for a week and you should see a noticeable difference in the darkness of your under eye circles.
You can also use vitamin E oil to improve circulation and reduce swelling in your eyes. This will help your eyes look brighter and feel more comfortable. Before bed, take two vitamin E capsules and puncture them with a knife or needle. Gently massage half of one capsule’s contents into each eye. Follow up by applying a small amount of aloe vera gel around your eyes as an extra precaution against irritation.

Aloe Vera Eye Patch

Zollyss Aloe Vera Cool Eye Mask (Value pack of 3) : Beauty

Aloe vera has many benefits for the skin, including reducing inflammation and redness. To use it as an eye patch, cut a leaf from an aloe plant and carefully remove the gel. Spread the gel over a clean cotton pad and place it over your eyes. Leave the patch on for 15-20 minutes, then remove it and rinse your face with cool water.
You can also use aloe vera gel as a natural eye cream, by applying it directly to your skin. For an even more soothing effect, refrigerate first before applying. To help reduce puffiness and dark circles, dip a cotton ball in water mixed with milk thistle or chickweed and place it on your eyes for 10 minutes. Or dissolve 1 tablespoon chamomile tea in 2 cups water and apply that solution as an eye compress. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse well.

Rose Water Under Eye Gel

Can I apply rose water to get rid of dark circles? - Quora

Beauty bloggers have been using this trick for years, and it really works! All you need is some rose water and an under eye gel. Simply apply the gel to your under eye area, and then use a cotton ball soaked in rose water to lightly dab over top. The rose water will help brighten the area while the gel provides hydration. Do this every morning and night and you’ll see a noticeable difference in the appearance of your dark circles.
You can get rose water from your local health food store, but you can also make it yourself. Grab a few handfuls of fresh roses and put them in a pot. Cover them with water and let them sit overnight. Use a sieve to remove all of the petals from your pot, and then use an eyedropper or funnel to pour some into a small bottle that you can keep in your fridge for easy access when you need it. You’ll be amazed at how quickly your under eye area gets less dark! If you’re really committed, try mixing a bit into an anti-aging serum and applying it every night before bedtime so that your skin is looking bright eyed even when you aren’t.

Lemon Juice and Honey Under Eye Gel

Use Honey To Remove Dark Circles | NewsTrack English 1

Mix a quarter teaspoon of lemon juice with a tablespoon of honey. Apply this mixture under your eyes and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse it off with cold water. Do this daily for a week and you will see a difference. Mixture of Milk, Lemon Juice, Honey, Olive Oil: Mix together the ingredients in equal proportions. Spread the paste over your face or eye area and let it sit for 15-20 minutes before rinsing with warm water.
There are a lot of ways you can use lemons and honey to get rid of dark circles. If you have dark circles and blemishes under your eyes, mix equal parts lemon juice and honey and apply it under your eyes. Leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing with cool water. Use a cotton ball to dab around your eye area or use a clean q-tip. Lemon Juice, Olive Oil, Rose Water: Mix 3/4 tsp each olive oil, rose water and lemon juice in 1/2 cup distilled water. Apply it on your face gently using light circular motions for 5 minutes then wash off with warm water. Repeat regularly till you see results.

Coconut Milk Under Eye Moisturizer

Coconut Milk: Health Benefits and Uses

Coconut milk contains high levels of Vitamin C, which can help reduce the appearance of dark circles. It also has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce puffiness. To use coconut milk as an under eye moisturizer, simply soak a cotton ball in the milk and apply it to the affected area. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse it off with cold water. Repeat this process once or twice a day for best results.
If you don’t have any coconut milk on hand, you can also use breast milk. Breast milk is a great natural remedy for dark circles and it has similar properties as coconut milk. It contains high levels of Vitamin C and antioxidants that help fight free radicals, which cause dark circles in the first place. While breast milk is usually plentiful, it may be hard to find some in your area if you’re not a new mother or related to one! If that’s the case, using warm water instead will work as well. Just make sure it’s not too hot or else you might irritate your skin.

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