Reducing hair fall doesn't have to be expensive! Check out these best home remedies that actually work. - Fashion Daily Tips

Reducing hair fall doesn’t have to be expensive! Check out these best home remedies that actually work.

If you suffer from hair fall, it can be incredibly frustrating trying to remedy the problem without breaking the bank. We’ve put together this list of 7 effective, affordable home remedies to help reduce hair fall and make your hair stronger, thicker and healthier! Plus, they can all be easily mixed together using ingredients that you may already have in your kitchen pantry! These are 7 best home remedies for reducing hair fall…

Natural Conditioners

Best Homemade Banana Hair Masks ~ DIY Hair Pack of Banana For all hair  problemsIf you’re trying to grow your hair out, it helps to condition it as often as possible—even if you don’t shampoo regularly (which we recommend). Why? Shampoo strips your hair of its natural oils, which is particularly rough on natural hairstyles; a good conditioner will protect your strands and make them look healthy and shiny again. Whether you use a homemade conditioner honey-coconut milk or Banana hair mask, conditioning is a simple way to make your hair look better fast. Here are some tips for looking after those locks.

Another benefit of using natural conditioners is they are cheap and easy to make, which is especially helpful if you’re looking for ways to cut costs while also focusing on your health. One homemade conditioner you can make at home is honey-coconut milk, which makes a great base for your DIY conditioning treatments (and works well on its own too).
Here’s how to use it?
stir 1/2 cup coconut milk with 2 tablespoons each of raw honey and warm water until it becomes slightly foamy; apply it all over your wet hair before rinsing; let it sit in your hair for 15 minutes before rinsing with cool water.

Egg Mask

Want healthy hair? Here are easy DIY egg yolk hair masks you must try | The  Times of India

Eggs are rich in protein, Vitamin A and Vitamin D, making them ideal for repairing damaged or brittle hair. This recipe involves using a whole egg as an egg mask to give your locks some much-needed love.


How to use Egg mask as a home remedy for Hair Fall?

To condition, heat one teaspoon of honey in a cup of water until dissolved and use it as a replacement for your regular conditioner. Allow it to cool slightly before applying from root to tip after shampooing. Apply on damp, towel-dried hair. Cover with a shower cap and leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly and towel dry your hair. Follow up with your usual styling products as normal and enjoy smooth, soft strands!

Coconut Oil

5 Ways Coconut Oil Can Benefit Your Hair Health

I ’ve always been a fan of coconut oil for its many uses, but I never realized it could also help reduce hair fall until recently. Coconut oil contains fatty acids, which stimulate blood circulation in your scalp and nourish your roots with essential nutrients like protein and iron, reducing dryness and stimulating growth.
How To use coconut oil as a home remedy for hair fall?
massage a teaspoon of coconut oil into your scalp before going to bed at night (this will make it easier for you to wash it off in the morning). Leave it on overnight and wash it off in the morning with shampoo and conditioner. You can do this once or twice a week—or more often if you notice an improvement in your hair’s texture or thickness.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera – Ginger Hair Spray: A Simple Hair HackTo Own Those Healthy And  Shiny Tresses

Aloe vera is an excellent home remedy for hair fall. This gel reduces scalp itching and flaking, thus lessening stress on your tresses. It also nourishes your scalp, boosting blood circulation and encouraging a healthy flow of oxygen to your roots (which can help reduce dandruff as well).
How to use Apple cider Vinegar as a home remedy for Hair Fall?
mix one tablespoon of aloe vera gel with coconut oil and massage into your scalp at night after shampooing; leave on overnight and wash off in the morning before styling or going about your day.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar: Just How Healthy Is It? | Evolve Daily

It is an anti-fungal agent and very good for hair fall because it reduces dandruff, eases dry scalp and controls over production of sebum which causes greasiness.
How to use Apple cider Vinegar as a home remedy for Hair Fall?
Apply a mix of warm water and apple cider vinegar on your scalp, leave it for 5 minutes then wash off with  any other shampoo available in market as per your choice. Repeat process twice daily to get rid of severe dandruff problem as well as reduce excessive hair fall by half.

Tea Tree Oil

10 Benefits of Tea Tree Essential Oil for Skin, Hair and Health —  Isabella's Clearly

One of our favorite, most affordable, and easy-to-find home remedies for hair loss is tea tree oil. While there are plenty of myths circulating about how it works (and why it should or shouldn’t be used), we’re firm believers in its benefits; here’s why: Tea tree oil contains terpinen-4-ol which helps promote healthy cell growth on your scalp and even more amazingly, has been shown to decrease DHT levels by up to 23% within 30 days when applied directly to your scalp (1). So what does all of that mean? It means you can use tea tree oil daily to help prevent hair loss and encourage new hair growth. Just make sure you dilute it with a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba before applying—it can irritate your skin if not diluted properly.
How to use Tea Tree Oil as home remedy for Hair Fall?
mix 1–2 drops of tea tree essential oil with 2 tablespoons of any carrier oil before applying to your scalp each night before bedtime. If you don’t see results after a month, try increasing frequency from once a day to twice a day until you notice an improvement.

Coffee Grounds

These homemade hair masks made of coffee will enhance the beauty of hair |  NewsTrack English 1

The caffeine in coffee grounds has a stimulating effect on scalp cells while also reducing inflammation, both of which can help reduce signs of excessive hair loss. Adding coconut oil helps prevent breakage by smoothing down ends and sealing them so they don’t get damaged so easily by brushing or styling tools during the day. It will also nourish new growth and keep strands looking sleek and shiny all day long.
You can purchase caffeine-infused shampoo at most drugstores, but you should keep in mind that it only contains 1% of caffeine, which may not have much of an effect on your overall hair loss or thickness if you suffer from more severe forms of baldness or thinning. Stronger versions are available by prescription through a dermatologist, but those can be extremely costly and should only be used as a last resort when nothing else is working to combat your extreme cases of baldness or excessive shedding.
How to use Coffee as home remedy for Hair Fall?
If you’re looking for a natural way to reduce your hair loss, try combining some strong black coffee grounds with coconut oil and applying it directly to your scalp before going to bed every night. Allow it to sit overnight, then wash out in the morning with warm water and shampoo as usual.

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