This Hack Takes 2 Seconds but Completely Upped My Ponytail Game - Fashion Daily Tips

This Hack Takes 2 Seconds but Completely Upped My Ponytail Game

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Renee Rodriguez

  • A hair hack that promises to smooth ponytail flyaways is going viral on TikTok.
  • To test it out, all you need is hairspray and a toothbrush.
  • Our editor tested the hack and was impressed with the results.

When it comes to my beauty routine, making sure my hair looks good is at the tippy top of my list. I will try any product or shortcut if the outcome will make my hair look better in some way. I’ve tested out hacks to make my ponytail look fuller, I’ve detoxed my hair and skipped shampoo and products for a week (including dry shampoo), and I’ve even tried hair slugging. A lot of the time, I find these helpful hair hacks on TikTok, and I have to admit, most of them have worked pretty well for my hair. So when I recently came across a hack from user Bethany Fosbery that promised to create the perfect ponytail for layered hair, I knew I had to give it a try.


2SECOND HACK YOU NEED!? #hairhack #hair #hairstyle #beauty #bethanyfosbery

♬ som original – ?

Typically whenever I get my hair cut, I tell the stylist absolutely no (!) layers for a few reasons. First, I think it makes my (already thin) hair look even thinner – but the worst part is the funky-looking ponytails. Whenever I put my layered hair into a high ponytail, which is my style of choice, I always have tiny flyaways sticking out at the top of my head that make it look like I rubbed it with a balloon.

I’ve told a few stylists about my ponytail woes, and a few have even gone as far as to tell me that they think the hairs at the top sticking up are “cute.” Cute? Cute?! Respectfully, I cannot agree.

Still, last summer I did something completely out of character: I got not only layers put in my hair, but very subtle curtain bangs. If I thought layers made my hairs stick out, nothing prepared me for the number of strays that would sprout out at the top of my ponytail from curtain bangs.

For months I dealt with the ponytail issues and even transitioned from a high ponytail to a low ponytail so I wouldn’t have to constantly deal with my hair sticking up. Since then, my curtain bangs and layers have grown out significantly, but they’re still there, so when I came across Fosbery’s TikTok hack, I jumped up to try it out immediately.

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Renee Rodriguez

All I needed to test the hack was a bottle of hairspray and a toothbrush. To start, I put my hair into a high ponytail as I normally would. From there, I sprayed hairspray on my toothbrush. Next, I brushed down the tiny hairs sticking up until they were lying flat against the rest of the hair in my ponytail. When I looked in a mirror to survey the results, the difference was honestly crazy to see. The hack was so simple that I honestly couldn’t believe I had never thought to try it myself.

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Renee Rodriguez

Although it didn’t completely smooth every single one of my stray hairs, it made a huge difference, and my ponytail looked much more sleek and smooth. I’ve been using this hack every single time I wear my hair in a ponytail, and I’ve also been using it to tone down any frizziness I have when I’m wearing it down as well.

This hack has honestly been a game changer for my frizzy, layered hair, and I can’t believe how long I went without knowing it. If you’ve been looking for a way to elevate your ponytail or tame your frizz, definitely give this trick a try.

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