Virgo Monthly Horoscope - Fashion Daily Tips

Virgo Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF January

How about a little fun to start your year off, Virgo? We know that idea might seem a bit surreal and out of reach given the world’s conditions. But your creative and adventurous impulses are firing on all cylinders this January. For starters, there’s a pack of planets in Capricorn and your festive, flirty fifth house. Why wait for Valentine’s Day when the January 2 new (super)moon could heat up the action? Well…with Venus retrograde nearly all month, a few of Cupid’s arrows COULD misfire. But where there’s a savvy Virgo will to plan for such obstacles, there’s always a workaround! You’ll find a way to celebrate the start of 2022 well into January.

The second half of the month could throw you another challenge. On January 14, your ruling planet, Mercury, turns retrograde until February 3, scrambling technology, communication and plans. Take your time and check your work before you make anything public. Mercury retrograde can be a sketchy time to sign contracts, so read all the fine print. When in doubt, wait it out.

A better use of this time? Focus on a visionary project that involves learning, media or travel. When the karmic north node moves into Taurus and your big-picture ninth house for 18 months, the world will feel brimming with novel possibilities. And if one thing doesn’t work out? C’est la vie…and next! Widen your viewfinder and try, try again.

Capricorn rules the skies: Sun, new moon, Venus (retrograde) and Mars

The holidays don’t really end for you until the third week of January, Virgo—so let yourself continue to sail along in a creative and playful groove. That’s because the Sun is in Capricorn until January 19, heating up your fifth house of pleasure and performance.

Where would you like to be more open-hearted or artistic in your life? The January 2 Capricorn new moon could bring a huge jolt of creative inspiration, especially as it forms a flowing trine (120-angle) to innovative Uranus in your visionary ninth house. You could get an epiphany about a business venture or a way to showcase your talents to the world. When the Sun and powerful, karmic Pluto make their annual connection here on January 16, you could meet a well-connected person whose impact helps turn your ideas into reality.

Cupid’s arrow might also make an early attempt to strike at the new moon since the fifth house is the zone of true love. However, romantic Venus is retrograde in Capricorn and this same part of your chart until January 29, foiling some of your efforts. An ex could reappear, or you might find yourself strolling (and scrolling) down memory lane, thinking about you-know-who and what went awry. Should you reach out and connect or leave this affair in the past? With Venus retrograde in this dramatic zone of your chart, you could minimize the downside of connecting with a toxic but tempting former flame.

On January 24, you’ll get some help from motivator Mars to spice up your present and future instead of dwelling on what might have been. The racy red planet will be in Capricorn until March 6, where it happens to be “exalted” and in the zone. Your confidence and charisma will make one heck of a comeback. But watch out for egos and tempers that flare up fast as well. You’ll be susceptible to sparring with people who know exactly how to push your buttons and hook you into their histrionics. Channel all this vibrant energy into a project with your boldest personal stamp on it!

Mercury turns retrograde from January 14 to February 3

Overthinking much? From January 14 to February 3, Mercury—the planet of communiclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” cation, technology and travel—will turn retrograde. It will spend most of its rearward journey (until January 25) in Aquarius and your analytical sixth house. Mixed signals and crossed wires are already par for the Mercury retrograde course—along with data and devices that mysteriously crash (back yours up, stat!). But to make it worse, you’ll be overthinking just about everything, whipping yourself into a state of confusion or analysis paralysis.

With Mercury in this weakened position in your health house, you could be susceptible to a midwinter flu or virus. Wash your hands frequently, work remotely when possible and avoid anyone who’s under the weather, even if you’re fully vaccinated and boosted. Take care to manage your stress levels, which can make you more prone to well-being breakdowns. Since retrogrades rule the past, this is a smart time to book any overdue checkups and revive your lapsed gym or yoga studio membership. Sticking to a routine will be challenging with Mercury mucking up your schedule. Streamline and simplify your calendar to avoid overscheduling.

From January 25 on, Mercury will back through Capricorn and your fifth house of love. This could get #complicated, especially since romance planet Venus is also retrograde in Capricorn until January 29. An old flame could reappear, perhaps extending an olive branch. Aim to put closure on the last chapter rather than trying to dive back into that pool. We’re not saying you shouldn’t explore, but proceed with caution. If it was a timing issue, maybe the stars are better aligned for you now. For coupled Virgos, this double retrograde could dial up old drama or heated emotions. You might use this window for a brief timeout—little breaks can be healthy, especially if you spent a little too much time together over the holidays or with new virus restrictions.

The January 17 Cancer full moon puts steam into your team

On January 17, the first full moon of 2022 could reveal new ways you can team up to make the daily grind easier and a lot more interesting. In Cancer, this full moon will light up your eleventh house of teamwork and technology. A trailblazing project—possibly one that involves an app or brings together a “niche” online community—might become a big part of your year ahead.

Just watch out for ego trips and power struggles, even subtle ones, because this full moon will oppose shadowy Pluto in your dramatic fifth house. A little bit of success could go to someone’s head (yours included). A friendship that’s become rooted in gossip or one-upmanship could use some repair work…or maybe it’s time to move on.

Maybe things have become SO democratic that a few superstars aren’t getting the acknowledgment they’ve earned—or it might feel like your ship has no captain. While it’s important to keep everyone’s morale up (especially if you’re working remotely), signal-boosting the MVPs matters.

Besides, it can motivate any of the slackers or wallflowers on the team to step up a bit more. Devise a fun challenge to spark up a healthy competitive spirit and bring playfulness into the picture. Games and novelty can energize a project that’s plateaued. You could also pair a seasoned teammate with another who needs a little support finding their sea legs. If that person is YOU, reach out to someone you admire and ask them for some advice or mentorship. Chances are, they’ll be flattered.

The north node enters Taurus on January 18

New year, new mindset, new message! From January 18, 2022, until July 17, 2023, the destiny-driven lunar nodes will move across the Taurus/Scorpio axis, activating your (Taurus-ruled) ninth house of travel and expansion and your (Scorpio-governed) third house of community and ideas.

As these karmic players thunder across your communication spectrum for 18 months, new friends, kindred spirits and long-distance connections could pop up. Virgos who work in media, education or technology could be especially favored by this cycle.

The north node only visits Taurus every 18.5 years; it was last here from April 15, 2003, to December 26, 2004. If you can remember back to that time, you may see repeating themes arise again. Returning to an old location or course of study could lead to epiphanies.

And…Uranus turns direct in Taurus on January 18

Shout it out to the world! On January 18, trailblazer Uranus wakes up from a five-month retrograde in Taurus, bringing exciting growth opportunities out of the blue. With the planet of radical change in this worldly sector, you could connect with a long-distance client or collaborator. An opportunity to teach, publish or broadcast could appear, and you’ll want to make use of every platform that your ideal audience is on.

The ninth house rules travel, but with restrictions on the rise, you’re more likely to book plans out into the future. Don’t let that stop you from exploring dream destinations or concocting adventurous jaunts to see new parts of the world. Just make sure there’s a good cancellation and refund policy before you hit “book now.”

Start your resolutions now: Aquarius season begins on January 19

Have you been on an extended hedonism tour this January, Virgo? Pish-posh. It’s totally in sync with the celestial calendar. But we also know you’ll eventually spring back to some amount of discipline and predictability. After all, the new year is an opportunity to make lists, crack the spine of an aesthetic new day planner and apply that Virgoan rigor to your goals.

You can start all that on January 19, when the Sun marches into Aquarius and your orderly, health-conscious sixth house—the zodiac zone ruled by Virgo. You’ll recover your wits and get back to the planning, tidying and detoxing that’s in your wheelhouse.

But don’t expect to get all the way back to business immediately. Mercury, your galactic governess, is retrograde in Aquarius until January 25. Throwing yourself into anything extreme will backfire. Ease out of the old habits while simultaneously dabbling in the new ones. Give yourself a three-week runway to get into the groove. Bonus: That will better ensure that your new way of life becomes sustainable!

It’s a romantic mixed bag this month, Virgo. On the plus side, Venus is continuing an extended four-month visit to Capricorn and your passionate, pleasure-driven fifth house that started on November 5, 2021. The rub? The planet of harmony and love is traveling in disruptive retrograde motion until January 29. This cycle, which happens every 18 months, can bring an ex back into the picture or stir up drama and discord for otherwise happy couples.

Overall, Venus retrograde is a Debbie Downer for amour, and all the more so since it’s in the part of your chart that rules matters of the heart. The trickiest days will be January 25 to 29, when your ruler, Mercury, is also retrograde in Capricorn. From mixed signals to bickering to just not being in the mood for love, you might want to use this window for some solo time—and dodge that poison-tipped arrow from Cupid.

And here’s a silver lining: On January 24, sizzling Mars will join Venus in Capricorn, with both planets staying in this hot-and-heavy zone until March 6. Next month you can seriously make up for lost time, especially when the two planets unite right after Valentine’s Day. Until then, use the time to savor your own company and work through any sticking points between you and a love interest or partner.

Save your resolutions and planning for later in the month. The planets are circulating through Capricorn and your creative, expressive fifth house. With the Sun here until January 19, you’ve got license to use the first three weeks of the month for creative visualizing and brainstorming.

How about revamping your #WFH office or setting up a side hustle you can do from home base? With energizer Mars in Sagittarius and your domestic fourth house until January 24, you could feel most inspired from the comfort of Chateau Virgo. (Remote work again? No problem for you, as long as you have a calm space to concentrate.) Use this time to get things in order before your ruling planet, tech-savvy Mercury, turns retrograde from January 14 to February 3.

Got a big idea to share or an announcement to unveil? The January 17 Cancer full moon blossoms in your collaborative eleventh house. A team project could reach a milestone, giving you and your cohorts a reason to celebrate. You may decide to join a new team or possibly part ways with one that you’ve outgrown, and go in search of a cutting-edge new crew.

Love Days: 2, 6

Money Days: 13, 23

Luck Days: 11, 21

Off Days: 9, 18, 4

See All Signs

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