Watch Taylor Swift's ‘All Too Well’ Film With Sadie Sink and Dylan O'Brien - Fashion Daily Tips

Watch Taylor Swift’s ‘All Too Well’ Film With Sadie Sink and Dylan O’Brien

Taylor Swift delivered on her All Too Well short film, and Sadie Sink and Dylan O’Brien, playing a couple in it, truly gave the roles their all. The short film just premiered in YouTube.

In it, Swift channeled her own past, depicting the high points of Sink and O’Brien’s characters’ romance and how it all fell apart because of their age gap. The 21st birthday party Swift mentioned in the lyrics (that her own ex Jake Gyllenhaal allegedly skipped) featured in the video, as well as a powerful argument Swift wrote Sink and O’Brien’s characters having after a dinner. Swift also appears in a very special role at the end worth watching for.

Set against Swift’s song, it’s an intimate, poignant look at a beautiful but doomed love. Watch it in full below:

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Swift spoke on Late Night With Seth Meyers last night about how she saw the two actors as her only choice for the film. She said:

It was really wonderful working with Sadie Sink and Dylan O’Brien. They’re just absolutely—I’m just blown away by what they did in this short film. I wrote this short film and wanted to direct it, and the only two people that I imagined playing the two characters, it was Sadie and Dylan. If Sadie—she was the first one I went to, and if Sadie had said no, I don’t think I would’ve made it. I don’t think I would’ve made the film. I think I would’ve just been like, ‘This is a sign.’ I do like working with friends or people who I think would be excited about working with me. I don’t really want to have to convince someone. I’m not very interested in that at all. I’ve never made a short film before. I’ve directed some music videos, but I kind of needed to reach out to people who were like—who would maybe believe I’d be capable of it. And Sadie got it immediately. Dylan was like, ‘yep,’ and I watch everything he’s in. I’m a huge fan of his. And both of them, they went out and just went left it all the field there in that short film. They just acted their asses off.

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