Florence Pugh Loves to Change Up Her Hair, but What's Her Natural Color? – Fashion Daily Tips

Florence Pugh Loves to Change Up Her Hair, but What's Her Natural Color?

Florence Pugh has been a bit of a chameleon with her hair as of late. While the British actor usually wears her hair blond and at a length past her shoulders, she recently chopped it all off and dyed it brown for a hot second before going fiery red. Not too long after, though, she bleached her short hair. All of this is to say: Pugh is no stranger to changing up her look, despite always coming back to her signature blond. But is blond her natural hair color? Well, it’s complicated.

Pugh has shared a handful of photos on Instagram over the years of when she was a child, and it’s easy to see that she was a fair-haired kid. She had naturally blond hair when she was really young, but like most children, her hair color changed as she aged. In 2018, she shared a photo of herself where you can see her hair had darkened to a dirty blond but was still pretty light. As with most naturally blond hair, Pugh’s had plenty of natural dimension, with multiple shades throughout.

We feel confident to guess that as an adult, Pugh’s hair darkened a little more into a naturally light brunette shade. Though she doesn’t usually wear brown hair, she has on occasion. In 2017, she had brown hair for quite a while, and while it was probably a bit darker than her natural shade, it was much closer than her current blond.

Forever a fan of changing things up, Pugh has tried every hair color from rainbow hues on multiple occasions to a rich auburn red, and even, well, mystery colors. Her length comes and goes too. She did a huge chop in 2018, writing on Instagram at the time, “OH MY GOD THIS HAPPENED. The mane is GONE. Correct, this is an odd sight. It took a lot of count downs and steady breaths but finally half of it was gone. What I do for my job…*eye roll*”

Alas, one of the easiest ways to pinpoint Pugh’s natural color, though, amid all these changes is to simply look at her roots when her hair is blond. You can hide a lot of things with your hair, but when your roots start to come in, they tell their own story of exactly what your hair truly looks like. And when the Midsommar actor has her blond hair and some roots peeking through, they’re brown. So we’re calling it: Pugh’s natural hair color is a brunette, if not dirty blond, shade.

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