Capricorn Monthly Horoscope - Fashion Daily Tips

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF December


Rest up for the first three weeks of the month, Capricorn. The Sun is in Sagittarius and your twelfth house of healing, closure and rejuvenation until December 21. Use this time before Capricorn season, at the end of a long journey around the Sun, to tie up loose ends and clear the decks of anything you don’t want to bring into your next year of life. Release it with love and gratitude for lessons learned! 


This energy is especially potent on December 4, when a Sagittarius solar eclipse helps you transition into a new beginning—to find the courage to let go of that last bit of unhealed past, of old stories and limiting beliefs and ancestral patterns that don’t serve your highest good. You’ve done the work, Capricorn: Over the past few years, you’ve had expansive Jupiter, the karmic south node, structured Saturn and transformational Pluto ALL make the rounds through Capricorn. (Pluto’s still here until 2024). It’s been impossible to avoid looking in the mirror, reconsidering who you are and getting in touch with what you want. This month, you’re invited to clear away anything that still stands in the way.


On December 21, the winter solstice ushers in Capricorn season—and soon enough, your birthday! This year, you’ll want to keep your celebratory guest list tightly curated. Venus, the planet of love and interpersonal harmony, will turn retrograde in YOUR sign from December 19 to January 29, a once-every-18-months cycle that can disrupt the balance of your bonds. Step back from the spotlight a bit, as your intentions can be easily misread.


But that’s not all. Christmas Eve (December 24) delivers the final Saturn-Uranus square of 2021, the last of three momentous clashes between the solar system’s authoritarian (Saturn) and its house rebel (Uranus). Saturn happens to be your ruling planet, so you’ll feel this shakeup as dueling desires for security and adventure. One part of you really wants to lock down some certainty, but your wild side is fighting for equal airtime.


Luckily, your fun-loving side (yes, you have one) can win the coin toss at the end of the year. On December 28, expansive Jupiter leaves Aquarius and your industrious second house and begins a four-month visit to Pisces and your social, expressive third house. Prepare to start 2022 by exploring new hobbies, friend groups and creative ideas—perhaps with a kindred spirit or two along for the ride!



The Sun is in Sagittarius until December 21

Eye mask, check! Until December 21, the Sun is in Sagittarius, your sleepy twelfth house of rest and surrender. While others are racing around doing holiday shopping and cleaning for guests, you’re in a far more serene state. In fact, keeping your schedule loose (or as loose as you can) will assist you under this mystical influence. This is a time to “let go and let grace,” as pushing your own agenda won’t really get you anywhere. An infusion of spirituality will help you in the process of letting go of outworn situations, relationships and patterns that have been holding you back. Don’t bother trying to maintain your usual duty-bound ways—you’ll only end up resenting the people you’re trying to help. Be generous, sure, but only if an act of compassion feels divinely inspired. Otherwise, conserve your energy, because you’ll likely be more tired than usual. 


Dreams are prophetic for you during Sagittarius season. Keep a journal by your nightstand in case you get an important subconscious message. Get in touch with your right brain by journaling, getting lost in a hemi-syncing playlist of binaural beats or doing some restorative yoga poses. Being near water can rejuvenate you now. If you have the luxury, you might even (safely) steal away to an oceanside retreat for New Year’s Eve, where the sounds and sight of the water will soothe your soul much more than that bottle of Zinfandel. Adopt a gentle stance with yourself and others, forgiving past infractions. Forgiveness helps you live a happier life, as you will no longer be bogged down with resentment. Once you clear these old wounds, you’ll have a far easier time listening to the wisdom of your higher self. Your intuition is potent now…time to tune in!



The December 4 Sagittarius solar eclipse will bring a spiritual epiphany

Out with the old and in with the new? On December 4, a solar eclipse sweeps through Sagittarius and your twelfth house of healing, closure and release. Having a new moon—and a supercharged one—in your realm of endings may sound like a paradox. But in the cycle of life, endings can also mark beginnings. What do you need to let go of in order to make a fresh start? This eclipse will put that forth in stark relief. Whether it involves forgiveness, grieving or the release of resentment, this solar eclipse won’t allow you to defer the process any longer. Have you been struggling with an addictive or self-sabotaging pattern, perhaps as a way of coping with the stress of these past couple years? This eclipse helps you deal with the underlying feelings and drivers.


This is the grand finale in an eclipse series that’s spread across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis since May 5, 2020, bringing seismic change to your health and healing sectors. You may have revamped your diet, exercise and self-care practices, and perhaps opened up to new spiritual pursuits like meditation or breathwork. Did you experience a loss or a painful situation that put you in touch with some deep-seated issues from your past? These eclipses have arrived to help you grow as a person.


This is the fourth Sagittarius eclipse of this series. Look back to the other three eclipses, which were on June 4 and December 14, 2020, and May 26, 2021, as this one could be the culmination of events that transpired then.


Passion and tempers erupt at the December 8 Mars-Jupiter square

Don’t overextend yourself with pre-holiday multitasking today, Capricorn. Trying to juggle too much will only leave you distracted, frustrated and unproductive. Even if you have multiple things to accomplish, tackle them one at a time. With stressful Mars at loggerheads with supersizer Jupiter, you can easily underestimate the “people power” you need to pull a grand idea off, especially in time for the holidays. Screen out distractions and focus on the most high-priority project on your agenda. Take mini-breaks throughout the day, delegate wisely and you’ll crush that to-do list like a pro!



The December 18 Gemini full moon helps you get healthy and organized 

Decisions arrive swiftly on December 18 when the Gemini full moon beams into your sixth house of wellness, organization and helpful people. These clarifying beams will reveal exactly who’s on Team Capricorn—and who’s a weak or draining link. From a major Konmari-style decluttering to a cleanup of your eating habits to a total makeover of your administrative systems, you’re ready for some year-end streamlining! If you’ve been waiting for the results of a medical checkup, you may get your new treatment plan under these moonbeams. Have you been hitting the holiday party open bar and passing hors d’oeuvres trays a little too hard lately? This wellness-focused full moon can help you rebalance.


This full moon will also form a beneficial trine to auspicious Jupiter, which is in Aquarius and your second house of work and money. By sticking to a clear plan and creating efficient new systems, you can quickly attract more profits—or make available opportunities where there were none before. Looking to attract a new client or position yourself for a promotion? Fire up Canva and put together a savvy presentation or higher a designer on a site like Fiverr to polish up your branding and company materials. 



Capricorn season starts December 21

On December 21, the Sun moves into Capricorn, your first house of fresh starts. Your birthday season is here, and you are definitely the star of this winter solstice show. Before you blow out your candles, think long and hard: What most thrills your soul? Maybe try something new this year: Pick three things that make your life sing (but they can’t be people), e.g. the ocean, dancing and reading. What if you made a pact to build your life around those three things? This is the time to stoke your personal passions and set new goals for 2022 based on the person you are NOW. This clean slate is your life, Capricorn. Use it, don’t snooze it!



But…love planet Venus turns retrograde in Capricorn December 19 to January 29

Pumped as you are, your mojo isn’t quite 100 percent because harmonizer Venus turns retrograde (backward) in Capricorn on December 19. It stays in this low-power position until January 29, flipping your love life to “airplane mode.” This six-week cycle disrupts your relationships—and may conjure an ex or an unresolved issue. To make matters worse, Venus retrograde collides with manipulative Pluto on Christmas this year, which might tempt you into a “sex with an ex” scenario or find you projecting your own issues onto a partner. At best, you might get transparent about toxic dynamics between you and a certain someone—and maybe even confront them if you’re both willing.


Feeling less than fab when you look in the mirror? You might experience some self-image or confidence issues with aesthetic Venus retrograde in your first house of appearances and identity. Tend to your self-esteem by amping up your self-care routines and nipping any selfish tendencies in the bud. During this cycle, avoid any drastic changes to your appearance. As noble as it might sound to, say, chop off your hair and donate it to charity, any major beauty changes made during Venus retrograde are likely to be ones you’ll regret.



The final Saturn-Uranus square of 2021 shakes things up on December 24

Excitement or stability? You might find yourself torn on Christmas Eve, which coincides with one of 2021’s most intense transits. The stars serve up the last of this year’s thclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” ree challenging Saturn-Uranus 90-degree squares. On February 17 and June 14, rules-obsessed Saturn (in Aquarius and your stabilizing second house) and rule-breaker Uranus (in Taurus and your passionate fifth house) formed the first two, with the final installment arriving on December 24. 

This dynamic mashup can provoke sudden changes and powerful wake-up calls, but with disruptive Uranus involved, there may be chaos and curveballs before the calm. Take an unflinching audit of your life: Maybe certain structures have become outmoded, or you’ve turned into such a creature of habit that there’s little room for fun and experimentation. Worries about finances, which are certainly understandable these days, might have tipped the scales toward workaholic tendencies. (Remember the saying that “worrying is like praying for what you don’t want.”)


On the flip side: Have your forays to the wild side destabilized your life a bit? If Zoom o’clock has turned into Wine o’clock (and that virtual Happy Hour has crept back earlier and earlier), or you’re finding yourself on the edge of moodiness with a touch of rage, it might be time for a major habit overhaul. Getting yourself into a regular routine of eating, sleeping and exercising can do wonders to get you back to a stable place. Start with one small change instead of trying to cut out an entire food (or, ahem, beverage) group. Moderation over abstinence will help you create a sustainable lifestyle where you can have a healthy balance of productivity and playtime.

Jupiter returns to Pisces on December 28

Set your sights on adventure! On December 28, lucky Jupiter will make its second of three auspicious visits to Pisces, staying until May 10, 2022. The cosmic maximalist has been spending the last few months in Aquarius and your intimate, privacy-seeking eighth house. That might have been great for your sex life or brought amazing returns on a financial investment. But you’ve probably spent a lot more time in your metaphorical Crab shell, processing emotions and connecting to your inner strength. (All good things!) A relationship may have gotten super-serious, or maybe you found the resilience to let go of an outmoded connection and break free from a toxic dynamic.


Wide horizons await as Jupiter reenters Pisces and your ninth house of adventure, entrepreneurship and novelty. Travel may be part of the picture over the next four months, or at least, working with people remotely, given the new Covid variant. You could pursue an entrepreneurial venture or return to school.


Jupiter normally stays in one sign for about a year, but in 2021 and 2022, its trajectory has been to weave between signs. Jupiter’s first visit to Pisces was from May 13 to July 28, 2021. Look back to the spring and summer for clues of what may be ahead as the calendar turns! 


New Year’s Eve: Revelry or rest?

Should you hit the scene (safely) and ring in 2022 in true Sea Goat style? Four planets will be in Capricorn on New Year’s Eve, making you itch to see and be seen. In all fairness, one of those planets happens to be scene-stealing Venus, which is retrograde (i.e., waiting in the wings to stir up drama). With the Sagittarius moon in your low-key twelfth house, a stylish but intimate celebration is probably best. Keep the guest list private and exclusive. The twelfth house also rules endings and transitions. As the calendar turns, consider what you want to let go of—and ask the universe for some extra courage to do so. 





With white-hot Venus smoldering through Capricorn from November 5 until March 6—an extra-long transit—you certainly won’t lack options or romantic opportunities. Need new headshots for a dating app? This is a great time to get your picture taken and capture your  extra glow. But on December 19, the planet of love and aesthetics turns retrograde (backward) in Capricorn until January 29. This once-every-18-months cycle disrupts the harmony of relationships and can even bring an ex back into the picture.


If you use Venus retrograde proactively, this can be an important moment for self-esteem boosting work, focusing on acceptance. Some Capricorns might want to take a reflective pause from dating now, or even to work with an expert to break through limiting patterns. Coupled Caps might need to do some inner work, or just spend a little more time “doing you.” Even the most doting partner can’t fulfill every single one of your needs. 


As author Stephen Chbosky wrote, “We accept the love we think we deserve.” So instead of swiping and griping, spend Venus retrograde getting in touch with what makes you awesome. If you’re feeling down on yourself in certain moments, just know the mood will pass like storm clouds. Instead of wrangling with an intellectual or analytical approach to solving this problem, turn your attention to a more positive subject, even if that subject is how cute your cat is when she lies on your couch. A little tweaking of your outlook will go a long way. 



Your monthly money and career horoscope will be published on December 1.


Love Days: 15, 19

Money Days: 27, 8

Luck Days: 25, 6

Off Days: 17, 22, 4



See All Signs

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